Aizkorri-Aratz parke naturala


The Aizkorri-Aratz Natural Park is the second-largest natural park in the Basque Country. Straddling the Cantabrian-Mediterranean watershed, it is named Aizkorri and Aratz, the two most notable mountains in the park. Declared a natural park in 2006, the area contains limestone mountains and as well as dense beech forests.

Location and weatherThe park is in the provinces of Gipuzkoa (about 80 per cent) and Álava (about 20 per cent). The side in Álava is part of the municipalities of Asparrena, Barrundia, San Millán/Donemiliaga and Zalduondo; while the Gipuzkoan side is within Aretxabaleta, Eskoriatza, Legazpi, Leintz-Gatzaga, Oñati, Zegama and Zerain. The whole area of the Parzonería General de Guipúzcoa y Álava [es] (a communal pasture not belonging to any municipality) is entirely within the park.

The park has a humid climate, with no drought in the summer. Being located in the Cantabrian-Mediterranean watershed, the northern slope is wetter than the southern. The climate varies from area to area due to differences in the terrain. The summers are mild, but the winters are cold.

